The Cure For Selfishness: Every Catholic Needs To Watch This Sermon...

His sermon is fitting for an increasingly secular Western world that eschews the spiritual for the material.

Can Mass Be Celebrated in Sign Language?

Is sign language permitted for the Liturgy, and is Mass celebrated in sign language valid if a priest doesn't vocalize the Words of Consecration?

How Did the Pope Travel Before the Popemobile?

Beginning with Pope Paul VI's visit to New York City in 1965, the popemobile has been the primary form of transportation for the Supreme Pontiff. How did previous popes travel and make their appearances before the creation of the first popemobile?

Truce of God: The First Mass Peace Movement Was Catholic

Peace used to be rare, and didnt exist as an institution until the first Truce of God was declared: the first mass peace movement was a Catholic creation.

How to Create a Sacred Space In Your Home

Have you ever longed to bring some of that peace and sacredness into your own home? If so, you're not alone, and the good news is, it's totally possible! Let's take a look at some ways to create a sacred space in your home.

The World’s Largest Church Is Catholic… and a Copy of Saint...

You probably have never heard of it, but the world's largest church is Catholic... and a copy of Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

This Last Supper Painting Has Bread, Wine, and a Guinea Pig?

Any painting of the Last Supper includes the classic bread and wine, but only this image features the twist of Jesus and the Apostles dining on guinea pig.

The Morbid Reason Why the Rhône River Was Consecrated

The entire Rhône river in Europe is considered holy ground after it was consecrated by Pope Clement VI.

Where Is The Holy Grail?

In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys discuss the legends of The Holy Grail and where the real one is today.

Why Does the Pope Wear White? The Answer May Surprise You.

Have you ever wondered why the pope wears white when priests and bishops wear black? Well, here's why!