Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill Was KGB Spy in 70’s: Swiss Media

Swiss media reports say Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill was a KGB spy in the 70's.

The Medieval Catholic “Land of Mary” That Really Existed!

"Terra Mariana" was a medieval confederation of states that once existed in the Baltic region 🏰🛡️

Nicaragua Gives Catholic Priests 10 Year Prison Sentence

The Nicaraguan dictatorship sentenced 7 clergy and laity to 10 years in prison for "conspiracy and spreading fake news." Learn about the urgent call for justice and freedom 👉

Cardinal Joseph Zen Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

6 Hong Kong activists, including Cardinal Joseph Zen, were nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by US politicians from both parties.

Exploring a Mysterious Medieval Religious Order: The Beguines and Beghards

Discover the fascinating history of the Beguines & Beghards, misunderstood spiritual communities condemned (at first) by the Church!

Pope Francis Affirms God’s Love for People With Same-Sex Attraction

Pope Francis said God loves and accompanies those with same-sex attraction on his flight back to Rome from South Sudan. Read his powerful words 👉

Did You Know the Sacrament of Penance Is Changing This Lent?

The Roman Rite Sacrament of Penance gets updated translation this Ash Wednesday 🙏Here are the changes to know 👉

Pope Francis Says Africa “Is Not a Mine to Exploit”

🇨🇩 Pope Francis called out political exploitation, "economic colonialism," child labor, and violence in Africa. Read his inspiring words of hope and change! 🙏

Smile with St. Apollonia: The Patron of Tooth Pain and Dentists

💥 Discover the story of St. Apollonia, patron saint of tooth pain & dentists! Learn about her bravery & unwavering faith during persecution 👉

Pope Francis Criticizes “Throwaway Culture”

Pope Francis, in his recent Sunday Angelus address, spoke out against a society that "throws away" people deemed as not useful or valuable, including...