Survey Reveals Over a Quarter of US Dioceses Offer Spanish-Language Masses

A recent US Bishops survey finds that 28% of Catholic parishes nationwide now offer Spanish-language Masses 👉

St. Teresa of Avila’s Body Found Incorrupt During 2024 Tomb Opening

Researchers confirmed St. Teresa of Avila’s body remains incorrupt after over 400 years following a recent tomb opening 👉

Vatican Approves Devotion to Our Lady of Mercy at French Shrine

The Vatican has officially approved devotion to Our Lady of Mercy at Pellevoisin, France, where apparitions of the Virgin Mary were reported in 1876 👉

Watch Pope Francis’ August Prayer Intention for the Cry of the...

🙏 Pray with Pope Francis for the cry of the earth! Watch his official prayer intention for September 👉

Suspect Arrested After Arson Destroys Historic French Church in Saint-Omer

A suspect has been arrested following a devastating fire at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Saint-Omer, France.

Pope Francis Unites With Indonesia’s Grand Imam for Interfaith Dialogue and...

Pope Francis and Grand Imam Nasaruddin Umar signed a joint declaration in Jakarta to promote interfaith dialogue and environmental protection 👉

Pope Francis to Celebrate Mass at Reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral...

Pope Francis will reportedly attend and celebrate over a special Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral's reopening in Paris on December 8.

Catholic Convert James Earl Jones Dies at 93

"One of the greatest actors in American history" became Catholic 70 years ago in the US Army.

Cardinal Schönborn Says Catholics Must Accept Europe’s Decline Amid Rising Secularism...

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn urged Catholics to acknowledge Europe's decline and adapt to the continent's shifting religious landscape 👉

Pope Francis Urges U.S. Catholics to Choose the ‘Lesser Evil’ in...

Pope Francis urged American Catholics to vote according to conscience, choosing the "lesser evil" between candidates 👉