St. Theodosia of Constantinople
St. Theodosia of Constantinople lived during the eighth century and was born in answer to the fervent prayers of her parents. After their deaths,...
Solemnity Of The Most Holy Trinity
Trinity Sunday, also known as Holy Trinity Sunday, is celebrated a week after Pentecost Sunday in honor of the most fundamental of Christian beliefs—belief...
St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius, the great champion of the Faith was born at Alexandria, about the year 296, of Christian parents. Educated under the eye of...
The Feast Of The Visitation
May 31 is the Feast of the Visitation, the day on which the Blessed Virgin Mary, having been told at the Annunciation by the...
St. Justin Martyr
St. Justin Martyr was born around the year 100 in the Palestinian province of Samaria in modern-day Nablus, the son of Greek-speaking parents whose...
St. Elmo
St. Elmo, also known as St. Erasmus, is the patron of sailors and stomach ailments and against storms. He was the bishop of Formiae,...
St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
St. Charles was one of 22 Ugandan martyrs who converted from paganism. Though he was baptized the night before being put to death, he...
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi
The Feast of Corpus Christi, or the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (as it is often called today), goes back to...
St. Petroc
St. Petroc was the younger son of the King Glywys. On his father’s death, the people of Glywysing called for Petroc to take the...
St. Boniface
St. Boniface of Mainz is often called The Apostle of Germany. Named Winfrith by his well-to-do English parents, Boniface was born probably near Exeter,...