Pope St. Anterus

Just about the only thing that can be said about Pope Anterus is that he was Greek. Not every pope with a Greek name...
Pope St Zephyrinus

Pope St. Zephyrinus

The pontificate of this first third-century pope was to see a storm of heresy rage around the pontiff, who had to keep a firm...
Pope St Hormisdas

Pope St. Hormisdas

Gloom and storm marked the pontificates of Anastasius II and Symmachus, but on St. Hormisdas the sun of peace and victory shone with cheerful...
Pope St. Fabian

Pope St. Fabian

Eusebius, born just a few years after Fabian's death, tells us how Fabian came to Rome after Pope Anteros died in 236. A layperson,...
Bl. Pope John XXIII

Blessed Pope John XXIII

Although few people had as great an impact on the 20th century as Pope John XXIII, he avoided the limelight as much as possible....