Pope Saint Sylvester

Pope Saint Sylvester surely was appointed by God to govern his holy church in the first years of her temporal prosperity and triumph over her persecuting enemies. His pontificate was one of the most important, crucial and eventful of all Popes.

Pope Saint Telesphorus

Pope Saint Telesphorus, a Greek anchorite, led the Church under Emperor Antoninus Pius and established enduring Christian practices around 125-138 AD.

Pope Saint Hyginus

Pope Saint Hyginus, a Greek, led the Roman Church (138-140 AD), structuring clergy hierarchy and mandating church consecration, but his exact history remains unclear.

Blessed Pope Urban V

Pope Urban V, born Guillaume de Grimoard, was a spiritual leader and reformer, known for his humility, scholarly pursuits, and efforts to restore papal prestige.

Pope Saint Celestine V

Pope Saint Celestine V reigned a mere five months. The primary objective of his pontificate was to reform clergy. He abdicated on 13 December 1294, the last pope to do so until Pope Benedict XVI.

Pope Saint Pius X

Pope St. Pius X (1903-1914) Perhaps nowhere in the history of the Church is there a better example of a man possessed of so many of the saintly virtues—piety, charity, deep humility, pastoral zeal, and simplicity—than in Pope St. Pius X.

Pope Saint Cletus

Pope Saint Cletus, the third Pope, governed the Roman Church from about 76 to about 88 during the reigns of the Emperor Vespasian and of Domitian.

Pope Saint Pius V

Dominican pontiff who convened Council of Trent, excommunicated Elizabeth I, patronized Palestrina, and led Holy League at Lepanto.

Pope Saint Gregory The Great

Pope St. Gregory, born into Roman nobility, became a monk, then Pope. Known for reforms, he championed the poor and introduced the Gregorian Chant. Celebrated on his election day.

Pope Saint Hilarius

Pope Saint Hilarius, successor to Saint Leo, confirmed council works, combated Nestorianism, held Roman Councils, and enhanced church architecture; papal legate; died in 468.