In a somber revelation, the Vatican’s Fides News Agency has reported a distressing increase in the number of Catholic missionaries who fell victim to violence in 2023. This year, the death toll rose to twenty, surpassing the previous year’s count by two. The report highlights a tragic trend of growing hostility against those dedicated to religious missions worldwide.

Africa remains the most perilous continent for missionaries, with nine individuals, including priests and laypeople, losing their lives under violent circumstances. Notably, Nigeria witnessed heartbreaking incidents, such as the brutal murder of Father Isaac Achi, a 61-year-old priest who was burned alive in an attack on his parish.

The Americas followed closely behind in terms of danger levels. Mexico, grappling with increasing drug-related insecurity, saw the murder of four missionaries, including two young catechists. The United States also reported alarming incidents, including the killing of Bishop David O’Connell of Los Angeles.

Asia and Europe were not spared from this violence. In the Philippines, two Catholic students were killed in a bombing at Mindanao State University. In Gaza, a mother and daughter active in their church community were fatally shot by snipers. Meanwhile, in Spain, a sacristan was tragically killed in an attack by an individual armed with a machete.

The Vatican agency emphasized the ‘ordinariness’ of these missionaries’ lives and their commitment to their faith in challenging environments. “They could have gone elsewhere, moved to safer places, or desisted from their Christian commitments, but they did not do so,” the report stated, underscoring their unwavering dedication amidst danger.

In his recent December 26th Angelus address on the Feast of St. Stephen, the First Martyr, Pope Francis paid tribute to these individuals by stating, “There are still those – and there are many of them – who suffer and die to bear witness to Jesus.”

Pray for an end to religious persecution!


Editorial credit: Renata Sedmakova / | Text credit: Agenzia Fides
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