Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Christ is risen from the dead! Dying, he conquered death; To the dead, he has given life!

Easter is the principal feast of the ecclesiastical year. Leo I (Sermo xlvii in Exodum) calls it the greatest feast (festum festorum), and says that Christmas is celebrated only in preparation for Easter. It is the center of the greater part of the ecclesiastical year.

Photo credit: Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
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    • In Jesus name i pray Sr Imelda’s cancer to flee away , may the disease leave her body right away. Brother Her faith has saved her. AMEN TO THAT. PLEASE PRAY OVER HER AND SAY “JESUS PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON HER AS HER SUFFERINGS SHOULD COME TO AN END.” LET YOUR WILL BE DONE.

  1. Lord, on this day of your resurrection, please help me resurrect in my spiritual life, as well.
    You know what is in my heart, Lord. I ask you to have mercy on me..

  2. The folded cloth that covered the face of Jesus lying separately may have a deep meaning not so obvious to the casual observer. In Jewish culture the servant would not clear the table if the master has left leaving his napkin folded he is unfinished and would be back. Jesus is unfinished and will be back for our final judgement.

  3. Christ has Risen so that we may LIVE!!!!!!!!!
    We must HONOR this gift, and do WHATEVER we can,,,,,,to make this WORLD a BETTER place for ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Especially those,,,,,,,,who are in dire straits,,,,,,,,who are sick and needy !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Anyone who asks for help !!!!!!!!
    Easter,,,,,Hallelujah,,,,,!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!
    CHRIST. THE. LORD. HAS. RISEN,,,,,,,,,TODAY,,,,,,,,,,,
    TODAY,,,,,,,,,,,,TAKE. NOTE. AND KEEP. THIS. IN. YOUR………HEART !!!!!!!

  4. Christ, the Lord, has risen today. Allelulia! Praise the Lord and his Father. May the Holy Spirit watch over all of us and protect us.


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