Fr. Robert E. Barron

Fr. Barron on The Two Minus One Pregnancy

Fr. Barron on The Two Minus One Pregnancy -
Fr. Robert E. Barron

Fr. Barron on Biblical Family Values

Fr. Barron on Biblical Family Values -
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #96: Purgatory and Scripture Part II

Two other Scripture passages are looked at today showing the existence of a middle state where sins are forgiven. One from the Gospel of...
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #82: Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Trinity (Part III)

Jehovah's say the Trinity is false because it's not explicitly in the Bible. Today we show that every point of it's doctrine is easily...
John Martignoni

2 Minute Apologetics: What are Apologetics?

What are Apologetics? 2 minute apologetics by John Martignoni, president of the Bible Christian Society.
Fr. Robert E. Barron

Fr. Barron on The Prophet Ezekiel and the Sex Abuse Crisis

Fr. Barron on The Prophet Ezekiel and the Sex Abuse Crisis -
Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Archbishop Fulton Sheen on Gloom

Archbishop Fulton Sheen on Gloom. (Originally broadcasted in 1956)
Dr. Peter Kreeft

7 Reasons to be Catholic by Dr. Peter Kreeft – Part...

Dr. Peter Kreeft is a convert to the Catholic faith from Dutch Calvinism. He teaches philosophy at Boston College and has authored a number...
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #105: Celibacy and Scripture

Celibacy is both praised and practiced by our Lord and St. Paul. There are no grounds for claiming that it contradicts Sacred Scripture. Ave Maria! To...
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #114: The Spanish Inquisition In Context

Many people point to the existence of the Spanish Inquisition as a proof that the Catholic Church could not be founded by Christ. This...