The Curse of Broadmindedness

There is no other subject on which the average mind is so much confused as the subject of tolerance and intolerance.

What Should You Wear To Mass?

Father Michael discusses how and why you should think about what you're wearing to Mass. He also examines why it's important to welcome those who might not be dressed to your standards.

Preparing For Mass

Going to mass for the first time or for the first time in a long time can be intimidating, which is why on today's episode of Made for Glory, Father Michael shares three tips that will help you get prepared for mass.

Why Does God Love Me?

Father Michael talks about baptism, how God enters into the messiness of our lives and makes a definitive proclamation that we are​ His beloved sons and daughters.

Why Do Catholics Baptize Babies?

Father Michael talks about baptism, how God enters into the messiness of our lives and makes a definitive proclamation that we are​ His beloved sons and daughters.

Why Do Catholics Make The Sign Of The Cross?

Watch this episode of Made for Glory as Father Michael Nixon discusses why Catholics make the Sign of the Cross?

Can Catholics Smoke Weed?

Father Michael Nixon discusses church teaching regarding the consumption of alcohol. He also offers advice on what one should do, should they desire to consume alcohol in accordance with a Christian lifestyle.

Can Christians Get Tattoos?

Can Christians get tattoos? Doesn't it say in the Bible ”You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you"? Watch this episode of Made for Glory as Father Michael Nixon talks about Christians and tattoos.

Why Go To Church?

Watch this episode of Made for Glory as Father Michael Nixon discusses why you should go to Church.

Why Was Jesus Baptized?

Father Michael Nixon discusses church teaching regarding the consumption of alcohol. He also offers advice on what one should do, should they desire to consume alcohol in accordance with a Christian lifestyle.