The Universal Church: Is There a Catholic Church in Antarctica?

The Catholic Church is truly universal: the southernmost place of worship in the world is a cave chapel carved out of ice in Antarctica.

Is the Brown Scapular a “Get out of Hell Free” Card?

Given to us by the Virgin Mary herself, the brown scapular is a powerful sacramental and symbol of devotion. But is it a "get out of hell free" card?

Watch: Man Who Threw Pachamama Statues into the Tiber Explains Why...

The man who threw the controversial Pachamama statues seen at the Amazon synod into the Tiber published a video explaining the reasons why he did it.

The Holy Prepuce: A Lesser Known Relic of Jesus Christ

Christ ascended corporeally, thus bodily relics must come from before the Ascension. The Holy Prepuce is just that, a product of the circumcision of Jesus.

A Lost Cause: Could the Last Catholic King of England Become...

Exiled to France after being deposed by a Protestant coup, could James II, the last Catholic King of England, become a saint?

Australia’s High Court Agrees to Cardinal Pell’s Request for a Final...

Australia's High Court granted Cardinal George Pell's request for a final appeal, with a hearing to take place sometime early next year.

The Virgin’s Girdle: A Little-Known Relic of Mary

On his way back from India, Saint Thomas the Apostle received the Virgin's Girdle from Mary herself as a testament to her Assumption.

Myths About The Crusades That Too Many People Believe

In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys are joined by Historian Steve Weidenkopf to debunk myths and lies about The Crusades.

Published in the Vatican Newspaper: “An Ancient Prayer of the Knights...

Composed by templars in jail falsely accused of heresy, the prayer "might be said by anybody finding himself in a moment of despair and difficulty."

Corruption in the Church? There’s An Official Prayer Against It, From...

Launching an anti-corruption campaign, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops released an official prayer to accompany their efforts.