The Catholic Origins of the Christmas Tree

Christmas is hardly imaginable without the ornamented spectacle found in homes across the world: the Christmas tree. Would it surprise you to learn that the age old tradition began with the swing of an axe by a Catholic saint?

Catholic History: The Earliest Sources for the December 25th Christmas Date

Around Christmas those who profess to care not about religion love to extoll their pathological zeal that Christ wasn't born on the 25th - are they correct?

Why This Man Is Bit by a Snake in Michelangelo’s Last...

Do you know why Michelangelo 👨‍🎨⛪ included this man being bit by a snake in his painting of the Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel? 👉 Find out what the pope said when he saw it!

Did You Know? Groundhog Day Has a Catholic Candlemas Origin

Ever notice that Groundhog day and Candlemas fall on the same day? It's no coincidence: the weather folklore day has a Catholic origin.

How The First Sunday of Lent Inspired The Piñata

When you mention a Piñata, the first thing you likely think of a child's birthday party and kids scrambling like mad to collect the candy the burst from it. But the piñata actually originated with a Catholic tradition tied to the First Sunday of Lent.

7 Deadly Sins That Can Send You To Hell

In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys discuss the origin of the list of the 7 deadly sins and the 7 virtues that are their spiritual antidote.

7 Things Every Catholic Needs To See In Rome

In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys talk about amazing and obscure sites in Rome that every Catholic should visit in their lifetime and our upcoming pilgrimage to Poland and Rome.

The Worlds Longest Song Is Playing In This Catholic Church

'As Slow As Possible' is the longest lasting musical performance ever, set to end in 2640.

The Mysterious Disappearance of the Last Catholic Bishop of North Korea

Francis Hong Yong-ho was the first and last bishop for the Diocese of Pyongyang in North Korea until his "disappearance" in 1949.

Did You Know? How Mother’s Day Started in the Catholic Church

In the US, Mother's Day became a secular holiday in 1914, but most don't know Catholics have celebrated the original "Mothering Sunday" for much longer.