The Capuchin Crypt In Rome With Almost 4,000 Skeletons Buried In...

A placard in the macabre display of the Capuchin remains reads: 'What you are now we used to be; what we are now you will be...'

Did You Know? How The Original “Dunce” Was Actually a Catholic...

The dunce cap has been a long-standing symbol of stupidity and disgrace but ironically rose to fame as a signifier of high intelligence. You might be surprised to learn that the original "dunce" was actually a brilliant beatified Catholic!

How a Saint That Died Almost 800 Years Ago Became the...

Why was Saint Clare of Assisi, who lived nearly 800 years ago, named the patron saint of television by Pope Venerable Pius XII in 1957?

Did You Know? The First Verified Victim of 9/11 Was a...

The first verified victim of the September 11 attacks was Father Mychal Judge, chaplain to the New York City Fire Department.

6 Things You Should Do Before Mass

Are you doing these things before going to ⛪ Church? Learn Saint John Bosco's six resolutions for attending Mass. 👉

The Muratorian Fragment: The Oldest Known List of Books in the...

The Muratorian Fragment contains the oldest known canon of books included in the New Testament, over 200 years before Jerome's Vulgate.

Did Pope Paul VI Prophesy About the Consequences of Contraception on...

In his landmark encylical Humanae vitae, Pope Saint Paul VI discusses the consequences of contraception that some would argue are manifest today.

Did the Old Testament Really Prophesize the Birth of Jesus?

Some theologians place the number of Messianic Old Testament prophecies in the hundreds. How do we know that the birth of Jesus Christ fulfilled the long foretold prophecies in the promise of God to send a savior and Messiah?

The Dictatus Papae: 27 Powers Reserved Only for the Pope

In 1075, Pope Saint Gregory VII promulgated the 'Dictatus Papae' - 27 rights and powers reserved only for the pope himself.

Kenosis: An Epic Sermon by Venerable Fulton J. Sheen All Catholics...

In his only family retreat ever recorded, Fulton Sheen explains the theological concept of kenosis - Christ's "self-emptying" - to an audience of all ages.