The Medieval Catholic “Land of Mary” That Really Existed!

Discover the thrilling world of Terra Mariana, a medieval confederation of states that once existed in the Baltic region 🏰🛡️ Explore its rich history, power struggles, & cultural significance 👉

Nicaragua Gives Catholic Priests 10 Year Prison Sentence

The Nicaraguan dictatorship sentenced 7 clergy and laity to 10 years in prison for "conspiracy and spreading fake news." Learn about the urgent call for justice and freedom 👉

Cardinal Joseph Zen Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

6 Hong Kong activists, including Cardinal Joseph Zen, were nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by US politicians from both parties.

Exploring a Mysterious Medieval Religious Order: The Beguines and Beghards

Discover the fascinating history of the Beguines & Beghards, misunderstood spiritual communities condemned (at first) by the Church!

Pope Francis Affirms God’s Love for People With Same-Sex Attraction

Pope Francis said God loves and accompanies those with same-sex attraction on his flight back to Rome from South Sudan. Read his powerful words 👉

Did Constantine Really ”Donate” the Roman Empire to the Church?

Discover the truth about the Donation of Constantine, a medieval forgery that shaped the course of history!

Did You Know the Sacrament of Penance Is Changing This Lent?

The Roman Rite Sacrament of Penance gets updated translation this Ash Wednesday 🙏Here are the changes to know 👉

Pope Francis Says Africa “Is Not a Mine to Exploit”

🇨🇩 Pope Francis called out political exploitation, "economic colonialism," child labor, and violence in Africa. Read his inspiring words of hope and change! 🙏

Smile with St. Apollonia: The Patron of Tooth Pain and Dentists

💥 Discover the story of St. Apollonia, patron saint of tooth pain & dentists! Learn about her bravery & unwavering faith during persecution 👉

Pope Francis Criticizes “Throwaway Culture”

Pope Francis, in his recent Sunday Angelus address, spoke out against a society that "throws away" people deemed as not useful or valuable, including...