St. Peter

St. Peter

Simon Peter or Cephas, the first pope, Prince of the Apostles, and founder, with St. Paul, of the see of Rome. Peter was a native...

Pope Saint Martin I

Pope Saint Martin I, martyred after condemning Monothelism and clashing with Byzantine authority, is the last early pope venerated as a martyr.

Pope Saint Clement

Saint Clement, early Christian leader and Bishop of Rome, revered by the Petrine faction, distinct from Pauline followers.

Pope Saint Cornelius

Pope Saint Cornelius faced challenges from apostates and the Rigorists, but upheld that repentant lapsi could rejoin the Church with proper penance, before dying a martyr.

Pope Saint Hormisdas

Pope St. Hormisdas, once married with a son who also became Pope, ended the Laurentian schism and strongly backed St. Symmachus against antipope Lawrence.

Pope Saint Evaristus

Pope Saint Evaristus was the fifth pope, holding office from circa 97 to 105. He was also known as Aristus. Little is known about Saint Evaristus.
St. Linus

Pope St. Linus

All the ancient records of the Roman bishops which have been handed down to us by St. Irenaeus, Julius Africanus, St. Hippolytus, Eusebius, also...

Pope Saint Julius I

Pope Saint Julius I, reigned 337-352, staunchly defended Orthodoxy, protected St. Athanasius, and opposed Arianism.

Pope Saint Damasus

Pope Damasus I was a 4th-century bishop of Rome, known for commissioning the Vulgate Bible and transitioning the liturgy from Greek to Latin.

Pope Saint Callistus

Pope Callistus I, a former slave, merciful leader, championed forgiveness, faced adversity, he shaped the early Church's compassionate direction.