Pope Francis shared his monthly prayer intention video for January, urging the Faithful to pray for educators.

Pope Francis’ Worldwide Prayer Network of the Apostleship of Prayer developed “The Pope Video” initiative in 2016 as a way to spread the Holy Father’s monthly prayer intentions on the challenges humanity faces in a video based format.

For the month of January, Pope Francis shared his prayer intention that we “pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than confrontation and helping especially the youngest and most vulnerable above all.”

Also accompanied with the Holy Father’s intentions are his attitudes for your daily life during the month of January:

Bear witness with your own life.
“Today we want to defend the identity and dignity of each person and teach the new generations to welcome everyone without discrimination. Therefore, education commits us to welcome the other as they are, not as I want them to be, as they are, and without judging or condemning anyone” (Pope Francis).

Does your lifestyle reflect the convictions and beliefs of a disciple of Jesus Christ?

“For us, an integral formation means a lot that is summarized in knowing oneself, knowing one’s own brother, creation and the Transcendent. We cannot hide from the new generations the truths that give meaning to life.”

Does the way you treat others, the world, and your relationship with the Lord match what you demand of others?

Living fraternity.
“Today, more than ever, it is necessary to unite efforts for a broad educational alliance to train mature people, capable of overcoming fragmentation and opposition and rebuilding the fabric of relationships for a more fraternal humanity.”

What could you do this month to grow in love and service to your brothers and sisters?

Helping the most vulnerable
“If in the past the rights of women, minors, and the weakest have not always been respected, today we are committed to firmly defending those rights and teaching the new generations to be a voice for the voiceless.”

Do you spend time training and educating those who need it near you?

Communicate with joy.
Educate each person in their integrity, that is, head, hands, heart and soul. That you think what you feel and do; that what is thought and done is felt; Let what you feel and think be done.

Do you live with joy the daily demands?

Read below the full prayer intention of Pope Francis, and watch “The Pope Video” for January:

I would like to propose that educators add new content to their teaching: fraternity.

Education is an act of love that illuminates the path for us to recover a sense of fraternity, so we will not ignore those who are most vulnerable.

Educators are witnesses who not only impart their mental knowledge, but also their convictions, their commitment to life.

They know how to handle the three languages well: that of the head, that of the heart, and that of the hands, all in harmony. And hence the joy in communicating.

And they will be heeded much more attentively and will become community builders.

Why? Because they’re sowing this testimony.

Let us pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than confrontation and helping especially the youngest and most vulnerable above all.

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  1. Thanks for publishing it. Education was really important and is important nowadays. So we should care about both educators and students as much as we can. You’ve also helped me to write about how religion can motivate and stimulate education. Just a few days ago I got help from top writers https://edubirdie.com/top-writers and I gonna complete my assignment with some examples. Let’s work on reforming the educational system together!


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