In 304 AD, a young Roman girl named Agnes, merely thirteen years old, embraced martyrdom due to her unwavering devotion to her Faith. Agnes had vowed to maintain her purity for God, valuing her spiritual commitment above all else. Her profound love for God and her disdain for sin were stronger than her fear of death. Despite her youth, Agnes’s beauty attracted many suitors, but she consistently refused them, declaring, “Jesus Christ is my only Spouse.”
Her rejection infuriated Procop, the son of the Governor, who had lavished her with gifts and promises in hopes of winning her hand. Unmoved, Agnes continually professed her devotion to “the Lord of the Universe,” proclaiming His unparalleled splendor and His eternal fidelity to her. Enraged, Procop denounced her as a Christian to his father, the Governor. The Governor tempted Agnes with magnificent rewards to renounce her faith, but she remained steadfast. Attempts to intimidate her with imprisonment failed as her face radiated joy, even in chains.
Agnes’s resolve was further tested when she was sent to a house of ill repute, yet her bravery and purity were so evident that no one dared to harm her. Legend tells of a man struck blind for harboring impure thoughts about her, a plight reversed only through Agnes’s prayers.
Ultimately, Agnes faced condemnation to death. Onlookers, even those not sharing her faith, were moved to tears by the sight of such a young, beautiful life being extinguished. However, Agnes welcomed her fate with joy, akin to a bride on her wedding day. She refused pleas for self-preservation, stating that yielding would dishonor her divine Spouse. With a prayer on her lips, Agnes accepted the executioner’s sword.
Agnes, whose name signifies ‘lamb,’ a symbol of innocence and gentleness, became the Patroness of young girls.
Photo credit: Sidney de Almeida /
i’m so amazed in the story of st.agnes.!:) very interesting!!
she’s so brave .and she inspired me.!:)<3…
Too bad more young girls are not like her and throw there beauty away
Beautiful saint! Pray for my daughters St. Agnes that they too may have a faith & a love for God as you.
St. Agnes, pray for us! May God grant us faith and courage like yours.
Dear St. Agnes i request you to pray to God for my family specially for my brother and for my sisters please may God give them wisdom and may he always be with them.Please pray for my job which is new and i just joined it please help me that i will do my job with the guidance of Lord Jesus Christ.Amen
Dear St Agnes please pray for me and my siblings to be like you.Also for my friend Thanabalan Tharuman.
wow….what a beautiful story…..her faith and courage was so strong……may st agnes be with us all
St Agnes, pray for us
Am challenged by this story of how St Agnes lived her live while on earth. This is a great lessons for we the upcoming youths who have made sexual immorality the order of the day. Interceed on my behalf dear Agnes that I may be able to live a holy live like u lived.
Helps us oh St Agnes, that, the youth most especially the young girls will also follow your steps dedicate themselves for Christ sake. No matter how society abuse them, grace them to stand firm. Amen.
Dear Saint Agnes,
We pray for peace in Syria and the World.
Protect our love ones, all our Saints and our Pope Benedict.
Prayers also for our departed love ones…….
St Agnes pray for us, you who loved the Lord so much, please pray for all the youth of today, they are sourly tempted with all the evils of the world.
PRAY O ST AGNES for my family especially the young and not so young, for those who have left the church, those who have left God. May their hears be opened to God’s Commandments.. ..amen
I am asking the uCCatholic community to pray for the soul of my son Robert who passed on 21st February. thanking God for his life also for his Birthday on 24th January – Lord hear our prayer
Today we will pray to The Lord for your son and wish him a Happy Birthday..
What a perfect story!
Dear Sweet Saint Agnes pray for me and all those I love..
I pray for my friend Agnes Marcella… She had St. Agnes’s name…. Hope God always protect her life. St. Agnes pray for us! Amen.
O St Agnes
St. Agnes pray for me to eradicate poverty in my life.
Comment:Dear Sa.Agnes pray for me and my young ones to live a holy life like you
Saint Agnes please pray for me and my family
St. Agnes please take care of the young girls in my family that they find the way to The Lord like you did.. Thank you..
O glorious St. Agnes, you served God in humility and confidence on earth and are now in the enjoyment of
His beatific Vision in heaven because you persevered till death and gained the crown of eternal life.
Remember now the dangers that surround me in the vale of tears, and intercede for me in my needs and troubles.
St. Agnes’ Feast Day is January 21st
O St. Agnes, pray for us to trust in God.
Dear St Agnes, my mother’s patron saint, pray for me to become more like you. And success in my academics. I most sincerely place my trust in you.
St Agnes, pray for us
Saint Agnes pray for us amen
Saint Agnes
Please watch over my Granddaughter and everyone’s Daughter ..Both you and St Philomena died so young being true to your faith and now we honor you.