5 Famous People You Didn’t Know Were Orphans Who Changed the...

Orphans have changed the world, highlighting just how important it is to celebrate life and help realize the potential of all.

How Christianity Led to Science

There’s this narrative out there that says that science arose in Christian Europe in spite of the antagonism of the religious authorities against reason. It portrays the scientific revolution as the inevitable triumph of reason over superstition.

The Awesome Reasons Tilapia Is Also Known as Saint Peter’s Fish

A Catholic fan favorite come Lent, many are unaware Tilapia played an important role in Christian history, becoming known as Saint Peter's fish.

Pope Francis Says Fellow Argentinian and Soccer Star Lionel Messi “Is...

An avid fan of the sport, Pope Francis said that fellow Argentinian and soccer star Lionel Messi is very good, but "not God."

The Liberal Hypocrisy On Sex

Prior to the sexual revolution, our society had a certain legal and moral consensus on sexual behaviour. Then certain factions in society started pushing for a cultural shift that produced the sexual revolution based on a desire to liberalize sexuality in western society.

The Ring of the Fisherman: Why Does the Pope Wear a...

A recent viral video that shows pilgrims attempting to kiss Pope Francis' ring has people asking: why does the pope wear a ring, and...

Thousands of Babies Each Year Are Too Poor for a Proper...

Thousands of babies each year die too poor for a proper burial, but you can help with a charitable contribution to Compassionate Burials for Indigent Babies.

The Pope and the Pendulum: The First Mechanical Clock Was a...

From sundials to the hourglass, no way of telling time was accurate until the first mechanical clock - a medieval Catholic invention by Pope Sylvester II.

Fumie: When Catholics Were Persecuted in Japan by Forcing Them to...

When the Faith was outlawed in 1629, Japanese government officials would make suspected Catholics step on fumie: pictures of Jesus or Mary.

Did You Know? Catholic Blessings for Cheese, Car, Fire, and Many...

The Roman Ritual includes "blessings of things designated for ordinary use" like cheese, cars, fire, beer, bread, medicine, oil - even mountaineering tools.