Pursuing Your Dreams During The Pandemic – Is It Worth It?
Are our lives 'on pause' during the coronavirus pandemic, or it is possible to be 'fully alive' in these troubling times?
Do You Know? The Patronage of Each of the 12 Apostles
How well do you know the Twelve Apostles? Read to see if you can name what each of the apostles are patron saints of.
The Underground Salt Cathedral of Realmonte in Sicily
Over 300 feet below the Earth, the Salt Cathedral of Realmonte in Sicily is carved completely out of salt.
Did You Know? What ‘Latinization’ of the East Is (& Why...
In his series on the Eastern Catholic Church, 'canonical convert' Phillip Rolfes speaks on 'Latinization,' replacing Eastern practices with Latin practices.
Popular Catholic Talk Show Hosts Eastern Catholic Priest!
In his series on the Eastern Catholic Church, 'canonical convert' Phillip Rolfes delves deeper into the nuance of the latest The Catholic Talk Show episode.
Obscure Church Cannon: Excommunicated for Archery Against Another Catholic
The crossbow was the original weapon of mass destruction - so much so that the Church made it an excommunicable offense to use one against a Catholic.
What Made the Music From Rocky so Iconic? It Was Inspired...
Everybody knows the music from the classic sports drama Rocky, but most don't know exactly why the film's score sounds so iconic: it's inspired by Mass.
Miss Your Easter Obligation 7 Years in a Row? You Could...
If you don't fulfill your Easter Duty for seven years, you could turn into a werewolf - at least according to French Catholic tales of popular piety.
Tips for Schooling From Home During COVID-19 For Catholics
Learn why schooling during a pandemic is harder than your typical schooling from home - and learn 14 tips to make it easier.
How One Eastern Catholic Diocese Is Filling the Eucharistic Void
In his series on the Eastern Catholic Church, 'canonical convert' Phillip Rolfes shares a Byzantine Act of Spiritual Communion prayer.