Vatican and French Bishops Urge Protection of Life as France Enshrines...

The Vatican and French bishops advocated for life from conception to natural death, emphasizing universal human rights and the importance of supporting the vulnerable 👉

What Is the Sacred Tradition of the “Flabellum” in Catholic Liturgy?

Discover the ancient origins and enduring significance of the flabellum, a ceremonial fan that symbolizes reverence and protection in Catholic liturgy 👉

Michigan Bishop Apologizes for Calling President Biden ‘Stupid’ During Lecture on...

Bishop Robert Gruss of Saginaw apologized for calling President Joe Biden "stupid" during a recent lecture on forgiveness, clarifying his intent was not disparaging 👉

Washington D.C. Witnesses a Strong Show of Solidarity at the 51st...

The 51st March for Life in Washington D.C. has united thousands advocating for a culture where abortion becomes 'unthinkable', echoing support for life at all stages.

Pope Francis Appoints 3 New Bishops in China

Pope Francis consecrated three new Chinese bishops in a week, making progress in the controversial 2018 Vatican-China deal on bishop appointments 👉

Relic Procession Marks 750th Anniversary of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Legacy

The procession of a revered skull relic in Priverno, Italy honored St. Thomas Aquinas on the 750th anniversary of his death 👉

Significant Debt Reduction Among Ordinands Prior to Ordination, CARA Survey Finds

A recent CARA survey showed a dramatic reduction in educational debt among seminarians, with religious ordinands seeing a 72% decrease 👉

Is Your Career Costing You Heaven? How To Balance Success with...

Is the ladder to success leading you away from the stairway to Heaven? Watch to find out how you can pursue a career and maintain a sanctified life 🙌

Pope Francis Postpones Engagements Due to Flu Symptoms, Vatican Confirms

Pope Francis recently had to cancel a meeting with Rome's deacons and his Monday audiences, citing mild flu-like symptoms. Pray for the health of Pope Francis! 🙏

A Choice or a Feeling? What ‘True Love’ Really Means for...

What does true love really mean in Catholic marriage? Learn what makes love go beyond fleeting feelings to a deliberate, sacrificial decision 👉