A recent study by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University has revealed insights into how US Catholics perceive climate justice and the environmental teachings of Pope Francis. Conducted electronically in December 2023, the survey polled 1,342 self-identified Catholic adults across the United States.
Findings from the study indicate that a 62% of respondents express concern over the potential personal impact of climate change.
However, the research uncovered that only about one-third of those surveyed are aware of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical that calls for urgent action on climate change and environmental stewardship.
Additionally, the CARA study reveals a strong consensus among US Catholics regarding their role in addressing climate change, with 76% saying they have a responsibility to combat climate change.
The survey further found that 81% participated in environmental justice-related activities in the past three month, like reducing waste and recycling.
These findings from the CARA study are said to provide a snapshot of US Catholics’ attitudes towards climate justice, highlighting their concerns about climate change’s personal impacts, a sense of moral responsibility towards action, and engagement in environmentally friendly practices.
Photo credit: British Province of Carmelites via Flickr