No Apologies #11: The Immaculate Conception
In this episode of No Apologies Fra Joseph takes a look at the Immaculate Conception. The Immaculate Conception of Mary means that she was conceived without any stain of original sin. This was done in view of the future merits of Jesus Christ.
No Apologies #12: Mary’s Perpetual Virginity
The third dogma of our Lady, her "Perpetual Virginity" teaches that Mary was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Jesus.
No Apologies #13: The Assumption
In this episode of No Apologies Fra Joseph takes a look at the Assumption of Our Lady. When Mary's life here on Earth was through, she was brought both body and soul into heaven.
No Apologies #14: Coredemptrix and Mediatrix
In this episode of No Apologies Fra Joseph takes a look at the Marian titles of Coredemptrix and Mediatrix. Mary most uniquely participated with her Son in bringing about the redemption of man. This is why she is honored with the title Coredemtrix.
No Apologies #15: Mary’s Spiritual Maternity
In this episode of No Apologies Fra Joseph takes a look at Mary's Spiritual Maternity. God made Mary the Spiritual Mother of all mankind and He wills that we have recourse to her.
No Apologies #16: Devotion to Mary
In this episode of No Apologies, Fra. Joseph answers the objection that devotion to Mary takes away from the mediation of Christ.
No Apologies #17: “Mariolitry”
In this episode of No Apologies Fra. Joseph answers the common charge against Catholics that they worship Mary. Adoration belongs to God alone but this doesn't exclude legitimate veneration of Mary and the Saints.
No Apologies #18: Statues, Images, And The Rosary
In this episode of No Apologies Fra. Joseph answers some common objections to Catholics use of statues, images, and the praying of the Rosary.
No Apologies #19: The Communion of Saints
In this episode of No Apologies Fra. Joseph discusses how seeking the intercession of the Saints in Heaven is 100% Scriptural.
No Apologies #20: 6 Steps to Catholicism
The goal of this next series of videos "The Six Steps to Catholicism" is to answer this Question: How does our reason point out the truth of the Catholic Church? For Catholics this series will be invaluable for strengthening your own faith and for leading others to the Church. For non-Catholics this series will be an examination of conscience : Does the religion I practice, or don't practice, truly hold up to reason?