Pope Francis Mourns Nashville School Shooting Victims

🙏 Pope Francis shared his heartfelt condolences for the Nashville school shooting victims, as the faith community there mourns a tragic loss.

Benedict XVI’s Health “Remains Serious,” Says Vatican

According to the Vatican, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is facing serious health challenges at 95 but remains alert and lucid. Pope Francis invites prayers for him! 🙏

African Bishops Reject Blessing Same-Sex Couples

African bishops say they oppose blessings for same-sex couples, aligning with traditional teachings in light of the Vatican's recent guidelines on when non-liturgical blessings are permissible.

Pope Francis Meets With Female Anglican Bishop To Discuss Women’s Roles...

Pope Francis met with Anglican Bishop Jo Bailey Wells and others at the Vatican to address the roles of women within the Church 👉

Ukrainians Have “A Deep Disappointment” With Pope Francis, Says Vatican Foreign...

🕊️ Vatican's Archbishop Gallagher acknowledges Ukrainian disappointment with Pope's peace stance amidst ongoing war, yet emphasizes his courage and commitment to dialogue.

Here’s How You Can Start Praying the Novena for Mental Health...

🙏 On World Mental Health Day, here's how you can start praying the 9-day Novena for Mental Health 👉

Notre Dame’s Golden Rooster Returns to Roost

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris celebrated a pivotal restoration milestone with the installation of a new, symbolic golden rooster atop its spire! ⛪︎🐓

Proposed Redefinition of Brain Death Raises Ethical Concerns, US Bishops Respond

🧠 The US Catholic Bishops express concern over proposed redefinitions of brain death, fearing harmful ethical implications

Pope Francis Emphasizes Inner Life over Outward Appearances in Angelus Address

Pope Francis stressed the importance of nurturing the 'oil' of the soul over external image in his insightful Angelus address 👉

Vatican Court Rules Against Climate Activists in Statue Protest

🏛️ Vatican court convicted two climate activists for causing damage to a historic statue in in the Vatican Museums and ordered them to pay $30,000 in fines.