The Vatican has ruled against two climate activists, Guido Viero and Ester Goffi, for causing significant damage to the historical Laocoön and His Sons statue during a protest last year.

Both Viero, 61, and Goffi, 26, are associated with Ultima Generazione, an Italian group known for its nonviolent actions aimed at drawing attention to the pressing climate crisis.

The activists had stuck themselves to the marble base of the statue using a highly corrosive adhesive, an action the Vatican classified as causing “aggravated damage”.

As a result, the court ordered the activists, including Laura Zorzini who filmed the incident, to pay for restoration, legal costs, and also handed them further fines.

Notably, these fines and the accompanying nine-month prison sentences were suspended on the condition that the activists avoid any repeat offenses within a five-year period.

The group responded by deeming the ruling as excessive, arguing it overlooked the gravity of their cause. Consequently, Ultima Generazione has appealed for financial aid to cover the penalties and legal costs, totaling over $30,000.

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