Russian Soldiers Torture Priest to Break Seal of Confession

🙏🛐 Pray for Ukraine's clergy! After celebrating Mass, a parish priest was kidnapped after celebrating Mass last week.

Pope Francis Accused of ”Russophobia” After Criticizing Russian Soldiers

After calling certain Russian soldiers "cruel," Pope Francis was accused of being Russophobic. 🇻🇦🇺🇦 Do you agree?

US Catholic Population on the Rise

🙌 Praise God! New census figures show the US Catholic population is the on the rise🛐📈

Pope Francis Prays for Homeless Man Who Died Near St Peter’s...

🙏 Pray with Pope Francis for this man!

Vatican’s Ukraine Ambassador Building Vandalized

😱 The Ukrainian Ambassador to the Holy See didn't name Russia directly as behind the vandalism.

Canada Offers Suicide Instead of Chair Lift, Says Disabled Veteran

This disabled veteran and Paralympian says after asking the government for chair lift, she was offered "Medical Assistance in Dying" instead. 🙏 Pray for life in Canada!

Pope Francis Worried About “Resurgence” of Antisemitism in Europe

In a meeting with a French Jewish-Christian dialogue group, Pope Francis warned about the "resurgence" of antisemitism in Europe.

Pope Francis Wants Prisoners Pardoned Worldwide for Christmas

Pope Francis is writing a letter to world leaders asking them to pardon prisoners for Christmas.

Catholic Nun Named One of 2022’s 100 Most Inspiring Women

A Catholic nun has been named one of the 100 most influential and inspiring women of 2022 by the British Broadcasting Company! Learn more about her 👉

People With ”No Religion” Not Increasing in the US

Is the United States actually getting more secular? A new Gallup poll found that the number of people with "no religion" hasn't changed since 2017.