Jesuit Tea: Why Yerba Maté Is Also Known the “Elixir of...

Yerba maté is an increasingly popular alternative to the standard coffee or tea. If you've ever enjoyed the brewed infusion, you have Jesuits to thank.

The Origin of Satan: How Does the Devil Get His Name?

The great serpent goes by many a name: Satan, the Prince of Darkness, the Devil, and Lucifer to name a few. What do all of these names mean, and where do they come from?

How Much Is the Pope Paid for Being the Pope?

What does the leader of one of the largest organizations on Earth and shepherd to a flock of over one billion faithful make in a year? It might surprise you to learn the salary that comes with the responsibility of being the Supreme Pontiff.

This Bible Was Found Melted To A Piece Of Steel From...

This Bible was found melted to a chunk of steel from the World Trade Center. The page it was permanently opened to will astonish and inspire you...

Did You Know? The Strange Reason Why Every Goodbye “Begins” with...

One of the most popular words in the English language, it's said daily without so much as a second thought. Despite how common the farewell greeting is however, few are aware that "goodbye" actually finds its origin in a simple parting prayer.

Did You Know? The Reason Why The Bed From John Paul...

The bed was originally part of a TWA plane commissioned by the Vatican for use as John Paul II's papal plane in the late 1970's and now resides in Kansas City.

J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lost Prophetic Message on Abuse in the...

Nearly 55 years ago, Tolkien offered a prophetic message on having unwavering belief despite grave scandal in the clergy: a beautiful hymn on the Faith and Eucharist, a sorrowful lament on scandal and sin.

What Happened to the Ark of the Covenant?

The central focus of the Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the physical representation of God's covenant with the children of Israel. What happened to the Ark of the Covenant, and where is it today?

These Catholic Priests Are Allowed to Be Married

The vow of clerical celibacy is one of the most well-known aspects of the priesthood. However, most people haven't heard of these little-known Catholic priests that are allowed to married.

What Does “INRI” On The Crucifix Actually Mean?

If you've ever looked at a Crucifix, you most likely noticed the four letters "INRI" inscribed atop the cross. Why is it there and what does it mean?